Monday, January 25, 2010

Missing cats

So these are the news.
Molly, the dogfighther and Lowfat the Padi professional have been missing for over two weeks now. Where are they, where are their furry bodies?
Understand diveshopcats have their jobs assigned to them, and they are missed. Our rhythm every morning has been thrown off. Molly and Lowfat have been, well they have characters as the cats they are. And now they are gone, abducted by aliens who wants to study diveshopcats...or they got killed. Who knows. Nothing left but their 8 kg bag of catfood. Dissapeared from the surface of the crust of this island.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010, this is gonna be a great year.

It has been months since there has been any activity on this blog. There really hasn't been much to post. But now Christmas is over and everyone in West End (diveshops, restaurants and bars) had a busy week. Everyone is feeling things really will be better again on the island.

Cruiseship business is picking up. Not all cruisers want to stay in a big group, and thats where the small diveshops in West End come in. Who wants to dive in a group with 14-15 other divers. The marinelife will scatter away when they see all the bubbles and flaring arms and legs.

As to the weather, it has mostly been fine, but when we have a northern coming in we quick change from bikinis, boardshorts to warm clothes to keep warm and dry.
And we can warm up and hang out with Ed at the Blue Marlin across the shop.

2010 can only be a much better year. Already with the diveshop staff and dmts the vipe is great.
Yes cheers to good happy year.