Saturday, May 29, 2010

New face at Tyll's Dive

Let us introduce Amanda and welcome her to Tyll's Dive.
Amanda is taking over from Kala who is going back to Canada mid June. We don't need to change on the board that we speak Canadian, since Amanda is also from Canada.

Luckily Clay and Lisa arrived from Arizona on thursday, after not having been here for about two years, and wanted finally do their advanced course. Here they are going over homework, and what they saw on the dive.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Feeling comftable busy is a good feeling

There is nothing better than have some nice people wandering in and out of the shop. Enjoying their dive experience with Mo and Rino.
After Semana Santa was over it got kind a quiet. But still had some great divers coming through from the cruiseship. People who do not like "cattle-diving".
Then Ernesto contacts us. Me and some friends are coming down for a few days. Always thinks he is from Nicaragua, bu everytime he has to correct me, no Guatemala, I lived in Nicaragua. But we remember always right that he likes the german football team from the last World Cup.
Ernesto is a diveenthusiast, and got a treat going out this afternoon one on one with Rino. And they spotted an octopus feeding on a conch. They told they wanted just to stay put and watch this. So rare to see.
And now we wait for them all to come back from the nightdive. Hope they saw "Strings of pearls".