January 2011
The new year started up a bit hectic. Amanda in England, Mo got busy having students all the time,and we having to call in freelance divemasters and on top of that train a new boatcaptain, who by the way is doing a great job and working hard, but has a lot to learn is still understandable.
Samuel seems a good kid, but so was Marcos in many ways, but he had his flaws and decided to quit his job. We are on good terms and still care about Carmen and Marquito.
The pic above is of the very nice danish family that brought us danish yummi stuff.
Amanda is back working now. Such a relief. Things are all of a sudden back to normal.
Yves, our divemaster from 2008 came back on vacation. What a surprise, and how good to have him and Katja around for the little while they will be on the island before continuing their travels.
Dory and Tracy returned with their husbandsGary and Ken. Gary we know for long and Ken finished his open water course. Then next surprise, Gayle and Peter turns up. Its been a fantastic start of the new year with so many of our loyal and by now good friends coming back and friends of friends arriving too.
Jenny comes in to hang out on the boat and snorkel and to be our eyes and gives feed back. So wonderful to have her around here and there again.
Donkey the kitten have had to stay home most days lately. She is still so playful, that we are afraid she will get in the way.
Well 2011 started up busy, hopefully it will stay on with comftable busy and fantastic people in a steady flow. But it is certainly good to see West End alive again after a long long time.
Uncertain opportunities and decisions are laying ahead of us, whether they will get real, we will have to be patient and wait and see.
We wish everybody a Happy New Year and good health and whatever good things you can wish for.