Time is a strange thing. It goes slow and fast at once. The pace of the day can be slow, but the week is over before you know.
The life on a little island can feel as living in a time bubble. The days are pretty much the same. It doesn't matter if its tuesday or friday. At one point we decided to open up the diveshop a bit later on saturdays, just to think its weekend, kind of. Another way to know its saturday is that Woodys grocery store is closed.
Monday we know because the Rotisserie Chicken is closed. Tuesday, wednesday and thursdays are cruiseship days.Friday is party, sunday is funday, Saturday are inbetween days..
You know the month has changed when the bills begin to roll in.
People leave and years can go by before they return. But when they return its like they just left a few months ago and not years.
People ask, when was the last time you were back in Europe? You actually have to think hard to come up with the correct answer. It goes by this: 2010, weekend in El Salvador, 2009 did we go to Panama or was that in 2008, when did we then go to Nicaragua? Did we go to Colorado in 2007? It can't be that long ago we went to the wedding.
Some people say that time fly faster the older you get, but if you have a good time, time fly by fast too.
Economic down times go slow, but bills still arrive faster.
If you wait in line at the bank or just waiting for something, time goes slow. Even a rainy windy day goes slower than a beautiful sunny day.
Why do I think of time? Conal recently stated, that it was exactly a year ago he walked into the diveshop with his backback.
And its 12 years since we arrived on the island. Where did that time go? Lots of stories I should have written down but never did, because there is plenty of time to do so...there is always tomorrow.
For the Danes who reads this, remember Valdemar Atterdag: Der er atter en dag i morgen. There is always another day tomorrow.
And yes, there is always another day. And its mostly a beautiful one
But our annevesery is coming up.
We think its th 12 of may:-)