West End is still pretty slow. Nice for the people who likes to dive in small groups and get spoiled.
We have a new addition to the diveshop, Donkey. Donkey is a kitten somebody stragetically left at Sundowners, and ended up at ours to replace the emptiness of the still missing Molly and Lowfat.
She will never be a Lowfat, keeper of the weightbelts and she will never be Molly the dogfighter. She will be Donkey and will develope her own values for being a diveshop cat. She is cute and adorable, but are not all kittens like that?
West End is putting on its coat of Christmas and seems to wake up again as the businesses that were closed down are open again. Fairylights every where in all colours, fake Christmastrees, one is hanging upside down at the Blue Marlin. Something different.
Something never changes: The road gets grated and then it begins to rain...
For the last week Amanda and her divers had turtle sighntings on every dive, also they saw eels and a blackspotted nudibranch.
We had some of our "old" divers back. Overwhelming to have so many of them back at the same time. It was a wonderful week with a lot of catching up and vino sin queso party at the shop once again thanks to Sandra (James Bond diver, queen of fun and fighting fires when she is not travelling).
Lovely to see Marie Josee and meet Ray, and of all so strange to see Dory here without Gary the captain.
But those two we will see soon.
Things can be tight and difficult at times, but having all these people out there and popping in when you need them most is the most beautiful thing in our life.
I will use Sandras good bye words:
We love us, which means we are all there and means all of us. We love us!
Thank you all for diving with Tyll's Dive and becoming our friends.
Happy holidays and all the best wishes and good health for us all for 2011.
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