I know I have neglected the blog for a while. But there has not been much to report apart from contractors and the mayor making progress for West End this fall.The progress is digging random holes and putting in pipes . Its a perfect thing to start a project like that in the rainy season. But I am not an ingeneer. Just a spectator.
People have been troopers to get from A to B. Rubber boots are really fancy things to have these days.
For the diving. Its been turtles turtles turtles. I wish the turtlekid would have been here with his turtle tapper. Geaorgina and Pete might have been turtle whisperers as well.
Team New Jersey rocks. Dory, Tracy and Beth. What a fantastic team. The rubber boot diva diving team!!!
Yours team Tyll's :-)
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
The June blog that turned into the August blog
The June blog that turned into the August blog.
The biggest event in June was probably Peeter. Peeter is a rescued kitten from West Bay. The litter lost their mother when they were 3 weeks old and a watchman brought them to Celeste at West Bay Lodge who lovingly brought them up. We were ready for a new family member and got in contact with Penelope from Roatan Renegade Rescue who told us to go see Celeste.
So a few days later we scheduled a dive to Mandys Eelgarden so the dive boat could drop of Amanda and me to go and meet Peeter. There was no doubt at all about the kitten. Peeter kind of looked up "Hi my name is Peeter, how are you?"
Afterwards Amanda and I walked around in West Bay and felt like being on a different island and being tourists. The watch and sunglasses guys didn't first recognize us, we being out of our natural environment of West End.
You may wonder why Amanda was not taking out the dive that day. She is also having a new family member, although not a furrry fourlegged one, but a little boy. She is glowing and happy to be a real mom some day soon.
We love Clay and Lisa, they always come back and bring good vipes to this place. Even though Lisa had to study so much this time, we found time to have lots of laughs together. Samuel said, Lisa is always smiling and happy. Samuel got that absolutely right.
We have been studying too: Watussas interacting with Peeter or vice versa. Very interesting. Am not sure if Peeter relates himself more to a Watussa than to a cat.
Also observed we have sucide sugar ants at the house. They climb the water bowl, and then drown. Does that make any sense?
Ever heard of Mini bees?
Mini bees are another thing. They live in a little plastic fitting outside the diveshop. Actually next to the meters. They are tiny, apparently friendly and don't sting. I guess its because you don't see them, and they are just there minding their own business.
Water tap wasps are another curiosity. They like to hang out underneath the water taps. Maybe they are just thirsty???
So who is filling in for Amanda. Melanie did before she went to the Caymans. Mo is still filling in when needed.
We recruited Helen. English science teacher and now Scuba instructor. Dive teacher is more fun than beeing a dry teacher. Her class room is in the sea, decoration is the coral reef and marine life.
Unfortunately or maybe it is fortunately that Ed, Uwe and Kristian do not always follow Helens advice in building bombs out of draino, alufoil and plastic bottles... The yard, the diveshop, The Wet Spot and the Blue Marlin are still intact.
Oh, The Wet Spot is now next door, great breakfast and lunch, and they are actually consistent with opening hours. Not like the Sharkcave. What a nice change that is, and we dont have to complain about the music volume every day.
What happens on thursdays? Karaokee night at the Blue Channel. Mo always fills
us in on how horrible the singers can be and want to sing over and over again. One thursday Hartley decided he can sing Bob Marleys "One Love". And he did. The two words he could remember were "One love" so the song was like this: One Love, One Loove, One love, one Love. one looove etc. Yes he could have read the tele prompter, but he didn't.
Details, details...
Helen just finished a rescue course with Martin who actually has DMP (dive master potential). It went very well. Instead of calling out Pizza pizza they called out Peeter peeter (course code for help help, to not attract a scene in our little community). Austin, thank you for helping out.
One last thing, keep supporting the Roatan Marinepark, read their newsletters and help where you can.
The biggest event in June was probably Peeter. Peeter is a rescued kitten from West Bay. The litter lost their mother when they were 3 weeks old and a watchman brought them to Celeste at West Bay Lodge who lovingly brought them up. We were ready for a new family member and got in contact with Penelope from Roatan Renegade Rescue who told us to go see Celeste.
So a few days later we scheduled a dive to Mandys Eelgarden so the dive boat could drop of Amanda and me to go and meet Peeter. There was no doubt at all about the kitten. Peeter kind of looked up "Hi my name is Peeter, how are you?"
Afterwards Amanda and I walked around in West Bay and felt like being on a different island and being tourists. The watch and sunglasses guys didn't first recognize us, we being out of our natural environment of West End.
You may wonder why Amanda was not taking out the dive that day. She is also having a new family member, although not a furrry fourlegged one, but a little boy. She is glowing and happy to be a real mom some day soon.
We love Clay and Lisa, they always come back and bring good vipes to this place. Even though Lisa had to study so much this time, we found time to have lots of laughs together. Samuel said, Lisa is always smiling and happy. Samuel got that absolutely right.
We have been studying too: Watussas interacting with Peeter or vice versa. Very interesting. Am not sure if Peeter relates himself more to a Watussa than to a cat.
Also observed we have sucide sugar ants at the house. They climb the water bowl, and then drown. Does that make any sense?
Ever heard of Mini bees?
Mini bees are another thing. They live in a little plastic fitting outside the diveshop. Actually next to the meters. They are tiny, apparently friendly and don't sting. I guess its because you don't see them, and they are just there minding their own business.
Water tap wasps are another curiosity. They like to hang out underneath the water taps. Maybe they are just thirsty???
So who is filling in for Amanda. Melanie did before she went to the Caymans. Mo is still filling in when needed.
We recruited Helen. English science teacher and now Scuba instructor. Dive teacher is more fun than beeing a dry teacher. Her class room is in the sea, decoration is the coral reef and marine life.
Unfortunately or maybe it is fortunately that Ed, Uwe and Kristian do not always follow Helens advice in building bombs out of draino, alufoil and plastic bottles... The yard, the diveshop, The Wet Spot and the Blue Marlin are still intact.
Oh, The Wet Spot is now next door, great breakfast and lunch, and they are actually consistent with opening hours. Not like the Sharkcave. What a nice change that is, and we dont have to complain about the music volume every day.
What happens on thursdays? Karaokee night at the Blue Channel. Mo always fills
us in on how horrible the singers can be and want to sing over and over again. One thursday Hartley decided he can sing Bob Marleys "One Love". And he did. The two words he could remember were "One love" so the song was like this: One Love, One Loove, One love, one Love. one looove etc. Yes he could have read the tele prompter, but he didn't.
Details, details...
Helen just finished a rescue course with Martin who actually has DMP (dive master potential). It went very well. Instead of calling out Pizza pizza they called out Peeter peeter (course code for help help, to not attract a scene in our little community). Austin, thank you for helping out.
One last thing, keep supporting the Roatan Marinepark, read their newsletters and help where you can.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
In between Blog 2
Old crew. Aasa, Lanai, Dorte, Uwe and Jenny
Instructor and backgammon player Tanguy and his student
Slippery Dick about to head out. In the water Matt and Jenny
Alva and her kitchen
Not happy with my draft for the June-July entry so decided for the this. Enjoy.
I think it was mid 2002 that we took over Tyll's Dive. Tyll kindly told us we can use his equipment , boat and compressor to start up with. So here we are with the apparently unsinkable boat called Con Permiso, a bunch of equipment that had seen better days, a squirrel that would pee on you when you passed by its cage to go to the toilet, a parrot called Hamburgeso, a dog named Pastelito and last Tyll's and Alvas adopted son, Christian. (The kid from hell, to be honest).
We had entered the Fiascos in Paradise:-)
We orderd a few sets of new equipment, hired Dexter to build a boat that could travel further than Blue Channel. We had a partner at this point, Jas. He sold out later though. It was all challenging times. Even order food at Alvas restaurant was a thing in itself. You order your food, go diving, and it might be ready when you get back. But hi, thats how it was.
The building of the boat took longer than anticipated, so in the meanwhile we got a skiff from Don Hickmann and used the tinfoil boat from Doc Radowski. Just imagine the picture.
The equipment arrived and finally Dexter brought the boat as he got tired of the checking ups on the progress. Colour was grasshopper green...Not the agreed colour, but guess was what he had available.
Uwe and Jas were horrified. I found it was pretty in a special way. Uniquie, only boat in West End with that colour. Well they won and it got repainted and named Slippery Dick after a wrasse.
Many evenings there would be people playing guitar and singing. The Burrito Brothers would chip in with their repetoire like Ground Hog Day, Monica Monica and Running with the Buffaloes (all composed by Tyll)
Those were unforgettable days.
Instructor and backgammon player Tanguy and his student
Slippery Dick about to head out. In the water Matt and Jenny
Alva and her kitchen
Not happy with my draft for the June-July entry so decided for the this. Enjoy.
I think it was mid 2002 that we took over Tyll's Dive. Tyll kindly told us we can use his equipment , boat and compressor to start up with. So here we are with the apparently unsinkable boat called Con Permiso, a bunch of equipment that had seen better days, a squirrel that would pee on you when you passed by its cage to go to the toilet, a parrot called Hamburgeso, a dog named Pastelito and last Tyll's and Alvas adopted son, Christian. (The kid from hell, to be honest).
We had entered the Fiascos in Paradise:-)
We orderd a few sets of new equipment, hired Dexter to build a boat that could travel further than Blue Channel. We had a partner at this point, Jas. He sold out later though. It was all challenging times. Even order food at Alvas restaurant was a thing in itself. You order your food, go diving, and it might be ready when you get back. But hi, thats how it was.
The building of the boat took longer than anticipated, so in the meanwhile we got a skiff from Don Hickmann and used the tinfoil boat from Doc Radowski. Just imagine the picture.
The equipment arrived and finally Dexter brought the boat as he got tired of the checking ups on the progress. Colour was grasshopper green...Not the agreed colour, but guess was what he had available.
Uwe and Jas were horrified. I found it was pretty in a special way. Uniquie, only boat in West End with that colour. Well they won and it got repainted and named Slippery Dick after a wrasse.
Many evenings there would be people playing guitar and singing. The Burrito Brothers would chip in with their repetoire like Ground Hog Day, Monica Monica and Running with the Buffaloes (all composed by Tyll)
Those were unforgettable days.
Discover Scuba Diving,
scuba courses,
Tyll's dive
Sunday, July 3, 2011
The inbetween blog. No.1

How Uwe and Dorte ended up on Roatan.
The idea of moving or at least revisit Central America got planted in our heads in the end of the 1980'ties.
Had visited friends in Guatemala and El Salvador and just fell in love.
Almost 10 years passed before we came back. First we had to live out the dream of having a house on the country side in Denmark with garden, dogs, cats, chickens, ducks and a pig.
Every sunday we would study the newspaper travel section and dream of places far far away.
Then one sunday, a danish journalist had this brilliant article about the Bay Islands and in particular Roatan, it just sounded to be the place you have to visit. We were still not divers at that time. But the article we kept and made it a goal that one time we would go there.
In the meanwhile Uwe got certified as a CMAS diver at the local diveclub in Loekken, Denmark. Do I have to mention cold water diving? I Dorte) was not as hardcore and chose to get Padi certified on Crete im Greece. Anyhow I managed to join Uwe and his drysuit buddies for around 10 cold water dives on the west coast of Denmark. Then finally we had saved up for a month vacation to ROATAN in Octuber 1998.
It took a bit longer to save up, because everytime we were close, the car broke down and had to be fixed.... We were getting suspicious that our mecanic had an fix alert build in that was connected to our Roatan trip savings account...
Anyways. We finally arrive . Of course the taxi driver tells us that Dolphin Hotel is the only place that has room available this late of the day, which turned out to be a lie. By the way they still do that to people arriving late in the day.
We go for a little stroll to find a bite to eat. First impression of West End was THATS IT?. Thats gonna be 4 long weeks. It seemed so small.
Next day we got a nicer place to stay at Geophies Hide away and met dutch Ron. We are still big friends. Shared a lot of rum and stories and still do by the way when we get a chance to visit.
We went diving every day. Everything was beautiful an pristine. Huge groupers the size of me, my dive buddies.
Then remember it was fall 1998. Hurricane season. Well of course Hurricane Mitch passed by to say hello. Was interesting days. No power -no water- no internet. Well internet was not very common those days anyway.
So the news about the storm was sparesly. Rudys family decided we should empty the concrete watercistern and use it as a shelter. All right so we did. We were all prepared. But Mitch just kept harassing neighboring island, Guanaja. But that was still very close. The power of nature surely flexed its muscles and toyed with us for days.
You might think, thats it, never coming back. No, seeing people helping each other in the community effort at getting things back on track and collect to them that lost stuff was the most amazing thing. Unfutunately we had to leave a week early because of family issues back home.
Thanked everyone for a great time, and told Ron, Hi dutch boy, we will be back and be your neighbour again.
Went back to Denmark sold the rest of our belongings (the car we sold to the mecanic, well he knew what he/we had replaced all parts possible). So we packed our bags once again in January 1999.
Arrive in Miami for Superbowl. Great! No room under a $100 to be found. Welcome to Miami!!!
Airport luggagecarts works though, you just have to move around when the vacumcleaner woman approaches you.
We arrive, and people here all the same, maybe a few new faces. And Ron, the dutch boy had not left. Happy days to see a good friend.
So now we here. No plans at all. We dive and gain experience of the reef and the islandlife, how things work.
Uwe does his divemaster and later instructor. Get involved in maintain and troubleshoot aircompressors, boat engines and scuba equipment.
I learn go diving without Uwe being my dive buddy. Clyde assures he will look after me. And he did.
I get to be the diveshop girl (not quite a manager yet), but observe what to do and not to do if it was my shop.
At some point down the road we decide to leave the island to explore other places.
4 months later we are back! And it was great to come back home. We missed it so much. We got our old jobs back too. Just like that.
And then we got friends with Tyll.
And a whole new chapter and challenges began with taking over Tyll's Dive.
To be continued.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Canadian May

Canadian May
this month was the Canadian month,
Dan and Kate returned for more diving. Manuel and Melanie came here for the first time. The first day they were thinking- thats it? I do remember that same feeling many years ago, but then you begin to relax and get sucked in so to say.
As we thought we would have nothing to, Jenny had a group of 6-7 canadians who wanted to dive do courses, Sharkdive, relax. Overwelming, until the perfect schedule was worked out, and everyone was happy. Like that when people have the patience for us to work out the logistics and come back to finetune them together
The most impressive students are Emma and Jeremy, good work, they read the book of Padi in one day...Loved seeing Emmas face after each dive. Soo excited. Each dive was almost the best one ever.
What else happens in May? Oh yes, the mango season....Guess by now everyone are mangoed out.
Mangos everywhere, You need to wear a helmet to pass through the yard, when you go through or to clean away the stinky bad ones. They keep falling. Mangos might be health risk number two after falling coocnuts.
When its slow, we play cards and scrabble, noticing spell errors on restaurant menues and signs. A couple of weeks ago, Restaurant 360 had Slow cocked pork, Well the Sharkcave Pizza never botherd to changed their signs, Warnig this is Sharks territory! Rumours has that The Sharkcave is out of business anyway. (If there are any spell errors in this blog, its because I do not always have the Scrabble dictionary and cheat list with my...)
With time on my hands, thought its time for a:
BALEADA survey
Chapi Catrachas across the street. Very convinient. Prices went up though. As usual the beef filings might be warm , might be cold. Chicken fillings guaranteed with bone splitters, egg fillings when you see they just got new eggs, avocados filling is the safest one and really good. Depending which woman is makinkg the tortilla. Some are soggy some are on the crispier side. Beans are usually good.
Another Catrachas down the road made microwaved baleadas. Forget about them, they closed down. Cindys stewed meat baleadas are a hit. Personally I like Anthonys Baleadas more. Next to Jimmys.
Have tried 2 places in Coxen Hole, the place across from Molineros, tortillas a bit chewy, but okay. Carlitas in calle 8 was really good. 1 Baleada and a coca cola 30 lempiras, who can beat that?
The Baleada expert. Maybe?
June stories to follow in a few weeks.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Time is a strange thing. It goes slow and fast at once. The pace of the day can be slow, but the week is over before you know.
The life on a little island can feel as living in a time bubble. The days are pretty much the same. It doesn't matter if its tuesday or friday. At one point we decided to open up the diveshop a bit later on saturdays, just to think its weekend, kind of. Another way to know its saturday is that Woodys grocery store is closed.
Monday we know because the Rotisserie Chicken is closed. Tuesday, wednesday and thursdays are cruiseship days.Friday is party, sunday is funday, Saturday are inbetween days..
You know the month has changed when the bills begin to roll in.
People leave and years can go by before they return. But when they return its like they just left a few months ago and not years.
People ask, when was the last time you were back in Europe? You actually have to think hard to come up with the correct answer. It goes by this: 2010, weekend in El Salvador, 2009 did we go to Panama or was that in 2008, when did we then go to Nicaragua? Did we go to Colorado in 2007? It can't be that long ago we went to the wedding.
Some people say that time fly faster the older you get, but if you have a good time, time fly by fast too.
Economic down times go slow, but bills still arrive faster.
If you wait in line at the bank or just waiting for something, time goes slow. Even a rainy windy day goes slower than a beautiful sunny day.
Why do I think of time? Conal recently stated, that it was exactly a year ago he walked into the diveshop with his backback.
And its 12 years since we arrived on the island. Where did that time go? Lots of stories I should have written down but never did, because there is plenty of time to do so...there is always tomorrow.
For the Danes who reads this, remember Valdemar Atterdag: Der er atter en dag i morgen. There is always another day tomorrow.
And yes, there is always another day. And its mostly a beautiful one
But our annevesery is coming up.
We think its th 12 of may:-)
Roatan diving,
scuba diving,
scuba lessonss
Thursday, April 28, 2011
April and stories

April began with the almost yearly visit from Team Wisconsin, who have been coming down over the years to get certified and dive a lot. As always we had a really fun week which ended with what has become a tradition of their last night on the island: Pizza, rum and beer on the deck.
Semana Santa came and went. It was not too bad as long you stay away from West Bay Beach.
Officially the low season begins in may according to hotel pricing. Its pretty low already now.
Anyways what to do then?
Clean out old file cabinets from Tyll. Student files back from the mid nineties. Went through them and in the bin they went. Then the interesting part came. Felt like history. Receipts from a meeting at French Harbour yacht club 7 of September 1993: 5 beers and a water for lps 58,50 including tax.
An old copy from Lonely Planet pages about Roatan.
Dangers and Annoyances:
In the water keep an eye out for spiny sea urchins on the coral reefs. Be sure to wear adequate foot cowering- not-thongs-if you walk on the reefs as coral cuts and can easily become infected in the tropics.
NOW THAT has hopefully been changed in Lonely Planet.
Roatan, population: 10565
today 2011 its more likely 80000!!!
Places to eat:
HB Warrens in Coxen Hole. It says: The cafeteria at HB Warrens supermarket is the most enjoyable place to eat, mostly because its air conditioned.
West End: West End Village is probably the most beautiful part of the island, It's only a small village, but it is exceptionally lovely, on a turquise bay laced with coconut palms.
Places to stay:
Cheapest alternative is to pitch a tent on
West Bay Beach. This beach is probably the beautiful part of the island. Its over 3 km long and most of it undeveloped with nobody on it, but a forest of coconut trees just of the beach to provide shade.
Jimmys, Roberts Hill and other places have rooms from $2,75.There are more expensive places with own cabins like Fosters for $25.
Places to eat:
Various places offers fresh fish dinner for around $2.75
The few dive shops in West End offers
courses for $200 (Monterosa in Sanday Bay $300)
1 fundive $25
10 dive package $200
This was all 15 or so years ago,
And where are we now? I will leave this open.
One more gem I found to post on the April update. I found an:
Important information list. It begins:
1)Please read the "Diver Safety Plan". Sign on the same wall with numerous diplomas. Then inform us if you want to sign.
2) If you want to go deeper than 100 feet on any dive, please go down the road to another dive shop...some of them love deep diving . (See Bugseys cement cross on 150 ft or so).
3) On a guided tour please try to stay at the depth of the divemaster. Its much easier to plan our dive profiles this way.
(I am skipping some of them)
6) The Republic of Honduras has no insurance laws. You are on your own. (That's one reason diving is so cheap here),
7) Nothing we have is for sale unless you want to buy the whole dive shop, or if you lose or break
8) The most dangerous thing you may encounter during your dive here are motor boats. Here they drive boats just like taxis.
Hope you enjoyed the April blog entry with a smile.
Thursday, March 31, 2011

March went so fast...we must have had a good time then?
Yes, we sure had a good time. The air and the water is slowly heating up. This last week of march is hot-humid and no breeze or rain. I know people smile and shake their heads by this. But we DO feel its getting from warm to warmer and then to hot and sticky.
Kimberly is back, she never skips a year coming down to Roatan. Scott joined her this year and did his open water and just loves it here.
Recently Kimberly put together her famous all yearly dinnerparty. And as usual we all had eaten too much but had a great sunday on the patio.
Jacquie is back too for a visit. Remember her? Our divemaster in training 2009 into 2010 and best storyteller ever. Okay, Tyll is the best story teller ever, but Jacquie is right behind him I think.
I wish one of them would have been to the West End community meetings about the facelift of West End.
How they would have been able to recount the meetings and the outcome. I am actually not sure what the out come is and I don't think anyone really knows at this point. And I went to 2 of the meetings to hear it out and been following discussionsboards on the yahoo groups and facebook. And already there is a lot of confusion about who want what done and who is paying for it all in the end.
So its either nothing is happening or we one day will wake up to lots of machinery going down the road to begin tearing everything up to give West End a "facelift".
But other than that, its been a great month with fantastic people coming down for a week or two or just for the day on a cruisship.
To all who visited Roatan and us, hope to see you again someday for more diving and fun.
Team Tyll's

March went so fast...we must have had a good time then?
Yes, we sure had a good time. The air and the water is slowly heating up. This last week of march is hot-humid and no breeze or rain. I know people smile and shake their heads by this. But we DO feel its getting from warm to warmer and then to hot and sticky.
Kimberly is back, she never skips a year coming down to Roatan. Scott joined her this year and did his open water and just loves it here.
Recently Kimberly put together her famous all yearly dinnerparty. And as usual we all had eaten too much but had a great sunday on the patio.
Jacquie is back too for a visit. Remember her? Our divemaster in training 2009 into 2010 and best storyteller ever. Okay, Tyll is the best story teller ever, but Jacquie is right behind him I think.
I wish one of them would have been to the West End community meetings about the facelift of West End.
How they would have been able to recount the meetings and the outcome. I am actually not sure what the out come is and I don't think anyone really knows at this point. And I went to 2 of the meetings to hear it out and been following discussionsboards on the yahoo groups and facebook. And already there is a lot of confusion about who want what done and who is paying for it all in the end.
So its either nothing is happening or we one day will wake up to lots of machinery going down the road to begin tearing everything up to give West End a "facelift".
But other than that, its been a great month with fantastic people coming down for a week or two or just for the day on a cruisship.
To all who visited Roatan and us, hope to see you again someday for more diving and fun.
Team Tyll's
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
This is the cutest little video of a free swimming seahorse in the shallow water in Half Moon Bay.
It was filmed a couple of years ago by one of our divemasters in training. It was either Jeppe, Matthias or Yves.
I have not posted it earlier as I thought I had lost it on one of my by now many broken laptops.
But today was cleaning up day on the USB sticks, and there it was.
And since Amanda is actually finding seahorses, pipehorses and all sorts of things lately its a perfect time to share this video clip.
It was filmed a couple of years ago by one of our divemasters in training. It was either Jeppe, Matthias or Yves.
I have not posted it earlier as I thought I had lost it on one of my by now many broken laptops.
But today was cleaning up day on the USB sticks, and there it was.
And since Amanda is actually finding seahorses, pipehorses and all sorts of things lately its a perfect time to share this video clip.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
What 3 days of heavy rainfalls can do...
Today is a beautiful sunny day, like most days here are. But 2 weeks ago the picture looked different.
3 days of constantly downpour. Not just showers, more like someone emptying gigantic barrels of water.
Even the locals would shake their heads and would muse "I have never seen anything like this".
The diving had to be cancelled, the sea turned into a brown soup as far you could see out beyond the reef.
Within days things were back to normal.
The sea cleared, the road got fixed, the red car is driving again, the t-shirt shop did not collapse, Nova is back in business with an extended beach.
People whose boats sank got them rescued. Houses and businesses have dried up without having had too much damage to talk about.
As soon the rain stopped, West End came back to live as a bear after been hibernating.
Will let the pics talk for themselves.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
January 2011 Happy New Year

January 2011
The new year started up a bit hectic. Amanda in England, Mo got busy having students all the time,and we having to call in freelance divemasters and on top of that train a new boatcaptain, who by the way is doing a great job and working hard, but has a lot to learn is still understandable.
Samuel seems a good kid, but so was Marcos in many ways, but he had his flaws and decided to quit his job. We are on good terms and still care about Carmen and Marquito.
The pic above is of the very nice danish family that brought us danish yummi stuff.
Amanda is back working now. Such a relief. Things are all of a sudden back to normal.
Yves, our divemaster from 2008 came back on vacation. What a surprise, and how good to have him and Katja around for the little while they will be on the island before continuing their travels.
Dory and Tracy returned with their husbandsGary and Ken. Gary we know for long and Ken finished his open water course. Then next surprise, Gayle and Peter turns up. Its been a fantastic start of the new year with so many of our loyal and by now good friends coming back and friends of friends arriving too.
Jenny comes in to hang out on the boat and snorkel and to be our eyes and gives feed back. So wonderful to have her around here and there again.
Donkey the kitten have had to stay home most days lately. She is still so playful, that we are afraid she will get in the way.
Well 2011 started up busy, hopefully it will stay on with comftable busy and fantastic people in a steady flow. But it is certainly good to see West End alive again after a long long time.
Uncertain opportunities and decisions are laying ahead of us, whether they will get real, we will have to be patient and wait and see.
We wish everybody a Happy New Year and good health and whatever good things you can wish for.
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