Canadian May
this month was the Canadian month,
Dan and Kate returned for more diving. Manuel and Melanie came here for the first time. The first day they were thinking- thats it? I do remember that same feeling many years ago, but then you begin to relax and get sucked in so to say.
As we thought we would have nothing to, Jenny had a group of 6-7 canadians who wanted to dive do courses, Sharkdive, relax. Overwelming, until the perfect schedule was worked out, and everyone was happy. Like that when people have the patience for us to work out the logistics and come back to finetune them together
The most impressive students are Emma and Jeremy, good work, they read the book of Padi in one day...Loved seeing Emmas face after each dive. Soo excited. Each dive was almost the best one ever.
What else happens in May? Oh yes, the mango season....Guess by now everyone are mangoed out.
Mangos everywhere, You need to wear a helmet to pass through the yard, when you go through or to clean away the stinky bad ones. They keep falling. Mangos might be health risk number two after falling coocnuts.
When its slow, we play cards and scrabble, noticing spell errors on restaurant menues and signs. A couple of weeks ago, Restaurant 360 had Slow cocked pork, Well the Sharkcave Pizza never botherd to changed their signs, Warnig this is Sharks territory! Rumours has that The Sharkcave is out of business anyway. (If there are any spell errors in this blog, its because I do not always have the Scrabble dictionary and cheat list with my...)
With time on my hands, thought its time for a:
BALEADA survey
Chapi Catrachas across the street. Very convinient. Prices went up though. As usual the beef filings might be warm , might be cold. Chicken fillings guaranteed with bone splitters, egg fillings when you see they just got new eggs, avocados filling is the safest one and really good. Depending which woman is makinkg the tortilla. Some are soggy some are on the crispier side. Beans are usually good.
Another Catrachas down the road made microwaved baleadas. Forget about them, they closed down. Cindys stewed meat baleadas are a hit. Personally I like Anthonys Baleadas more. Next to Jimmys.
Have tried 2 places in Coxen Hole, the place across from Molineros, tortillas a bit chewy, but okay. Carlitas in calle 8 was really good. 1 Baleada and a coca cola 30 lempiras, who can beat that?
The Baleada expert. Maybe?
June stories to follow in a few weeks.
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