I have neglected the blog for way too long. Either been busy or not being able to find words unless it involved playing SCRABBLE. (By the way the shop got this shiny new Scrabble board for Christmas, and we were all excited and had guest players. Several people have been tapping on my shoulder and said it is time for an update!
So where to begin? Seeing the yellow Frogfish, finding the Seahorses or swimming with the pod of about 100 Dolphins?
Or the vast amount of Sargassum seaweed that kept floating in for weeks earlier this year. Tons of it. Apparently a piece had gotten loose and began to float. The Sargassum Sea is a very unik floating habitat in the middle of the ocean. Held together by the ocean currents. Look it up on Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sargasso_Sea very interesting. But when it hits land it begins to stink when it begins to decompose.

March was the month where everybody decided to come visiting. A good fun month with our loyal diver family. We just kept getting messages, Okay coming so and so, flight is booked.But it all worked out just fine. Some knew each other, others met for the first time. Got to go on a sailing trip with some of the divers on Captain Alex boat. A marriage proposal happened.Kevin and Danis wedding will be next year down here.
Had a visit from the past, Ron brought a dvd from one dive at Mandys Eelgarden in 2003. West Bay was jungle and Mangroves and wide sandy beach. No Mayan Princess, no Infinity Bay…no nothing, just beach.
Ron, you made us laugh seeing that dvd. What a bunch we were back then.
So they all left and boo, really quiet until we got our new team Utah arriving. Yes, we have team divers, a few team Colorado , a couple of team Arizona and of course our 2 team Wisconsin, and not to forget team Houston, New Jersey, Toronto and New York. Probably a lot more…
We have added some new shop members: Jackie Chan and Boy. We some how ended up with them...
The biggest news are that Dorte is going to visit her family in Denmark very soon after not having been there for about 9 years.
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