Sunday, October 18, 2009

The greenflash at sunset

In the ten years we have been here on Roatan, we have never seen any. Some wanna be greenflash, yes if your imagination plays along. But am sure it exsist, as much there is gold at the end of the rainbow. And that I believe, because you can never get there to check it out.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Team Belgium

Team Belgium arrived after delays. Gerrit got his open water certification- congratulations. Stijn, Johan and Maarten got a few fundives while they were here. The girls tried snorkeling. Here they are just coming back.

Friday, August 21, 2009

An article from today at

Mitch Cummins and Judith Allred - Special to the Express-News

My dismay is over the position that the United States has taken regarding the transition of power here in Honduras. I’m not going to argue whether it was a coup or not. My first question to the world leaders is, where was your indignation when the then-President Zelaya violated the Honduran Constitution, the rulings of the Supreme Court, the Congress, the Attorney General and the National Prosecutor by proceeding with an illegal action referring to changing the prohibition of presidential reelection?

The Honduran Constitution provides for the three “separate but equal” branches of government as does the United States. Just as in the U.S., these three branches offer a system of checks and balances.

President Barack Obama has stated that the U.S. is talking to hostile governments, but said he would not speak with the Honduran interim government. Why didn’t he get the constitutional facts before announcing his condemnation of Zelaya’s removal? Knowing all the facts, how could the United States support the suspension of a long and valued ally from the Organization of American States, condemnation by the UN, and suspension of aid by the U.S.? Reinstating the Chavez-inspired Zelaya would legitimize his illegal actions.

Allegedly, Zelaya says now he would attempt the same thing, only using different methods. Do the world leaders not see a scenario of paid crowds creating chaos to back more lawless actions? What is stopping the U.S. from changing their present position, instead stating their policy is support for countries like Honduras who follow their democratic constitution?

In the months prior to his removal, Zelaya placed himself above the law. He proposed the removal of term limits, identified as treason in the Honduran Constitution which states that this cannot ever be amended. Though required, he failed to submit a budget for the year of 2009. He gave up maritime territory that damaged the Honduran economy, fishing being the country’s important and traditional industry. In this way he gave up probable petroleum rights. He threatened his own coup when Congress hesitated to appoint his preference of judges.

Where were the voices of democracy when Zelaya defied these branches of government? When Zelaya publicly said many times that he was ignoring their rulings and was going forward with his illegal referendum, where were questions from the OAS, UN, or individual countries? When Zelaya led a mob and broke into a military base to steal voting materials that had been legally confiscated by the Attorney General, where was the outrage?

Some ask what would we do if the U.S. military entered the White House, arrested the president and exiled him. I ask this question, what would we do if the United States President defied rulings of its Supreme Court. I have to believe that the American public would be as outraged as the Hondurans were by Zelaya’s actions.

Everyone I know breathed a sigh of relief when they realized on June 28 that Zelaya had been removed from office. The country is more relaxed than it was prior to June 28. Removing Mel Zelaya from office was constitutional and democratic, except for his exile. That, instead of imprisonment may have prevented violence and bloodshed. Now, as long as the interim government’s legitimate actions are not supported, it emboldens those bent on creating havoc, many who are paid and come from other countries.

I’ve lived in Honduras, on the island of Roatan full- time since 2002. I’ve been very involved in community issues, served on various commissions on the island and have met several ministerial level executives of the Honduran government during these years. Being in the communication business, in contact with thousands of Hondurans, I’m very informed.

Every one of the hundreds of foreigners living in Honduras that I’ve talked to has been appalled at the U.S. position. They also express extreme pride in the Honduran people. I’m confident that when the story is fully understood, the Honduran actions will be held up as an example of how a little and poor country can stand up to defend their democracy against powerful external forces. Honduras is definitely the new “Cradle of Democracy.”

The Bay Islands, in the Caribbean off the north coast of Honduras, is a beautiful, tranquil set of islands. We’ve had no disruption of services. The cruise ships are coming. The direct flights from the U.S. are still arriving as scheduled. The dive shops are still diving and the white sandy beaches are still beckoning. Come down and visit. Support the “Little Country That Could”.

Mitch Cummins is Roatan, Honduras’s computer and communications company owner.
Judith Allred, a San Antonio resident, lives part time on the island of Roatan and is director of the Roatan Daycare Center.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Low season rates

Lowseason rates at the Blenny house and cabin if diving or doing courses at Tyll's Dive.

New divemasters

Congratulations to Sarah (England), Monique (Holland) and Ryan (USA,) who all have completed their divemastertraining in the last few days.
Sarah had to go back home. Monique will be staying and get som guiding experience, Ryan went up to Marble Hills to work for a while. They all did a good job.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Poem for Tyll's Dive!

Was created an presented at the diveshop from "Stelvis", Nancy, Lisa and Clay in june 2007.Slowly the sun is fading it since it has been posted on the diveshopdoor since then. Please correct me if some of it is not spelled right. The paper is getting difficult to read...

"An Ode to hear"

Nice, nice, nice,
Divemaster cute, like Rachel Weisz
No sign of artic beluga,Dive Monday con tres tortugas
The Bungalow West End quite fine,
technically merlot wine.
Really nice spot
no sign of unruly tot
We even, have some deer
the locals hang out here
and 4 kinds of good beer
This is our fortunate oasis
the loveliest, friendly of places
We spend tranquil, lucky days
With broad smiles on our faces
And you folks here, our friends at Tylls
You give us joy, like happy pills.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Team Canada did not listen to the news, they arrived anyway and saw for them self- all is good on the island of Roatan

It has been a very nice week at Tyll's Dive, with team Canada. Fabio and Steve brought friends down for this trip. Staying at the Jenny Blenny house. They brought beefjerkey, and on special request from Kirk, Jim Morton Coffee.(Hope I got the name right)seems like a real big thing for Canadian coffeedrinkers:-)
As always when we all have a good time, the week is over. so of course we had to do the GROUPPHOTO. This time everyone is in. Except Marcos. He had to go home. The new bench held up quite well. But we figured, we need extra support for middlepart. Anyways here is Team Canada/Tem Tyll's: Steve, Kala, Mo, Dorte, Uwe, Fabio
Yusef, Nadine, Kirk, Umbalumba (Ryan), Noelle, Andres.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Juvenile Lionfish

This juvenile Lionfish was found today at Dixies Reef by Peter who works at Coconut tree. Its beautiful, but so is the Spotted Drumfish, which would be part of the grown Lionfish diet for sure.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


The first Lionfish has been spotted in Mandys Eelgarden, West bay, Roatan. This is not good news. At this point we do not know what actions has been taken. But for 2 months ago the Marinepark newsletter send out an beeing alert notice if you spot Lionfish.
The Lionfish is an intruder of these waters and has very few predators. its a beautiful creature, but does not belong here and can, in the long run, be fatal for the diversity of our fishpopulation. if anyone has more spesific comments, please feel do share with us.

Groupfoto June 2009

In this photo:David, Marcos -boatcaptain,Nicole, Nick, Alison
Uwe -Tyll's Dive, Kirk-instructor, Muffin, Bryan,Jen, Gillian, Dorte-Tyll's Dive, Rino-divemaster
but where is Kala? she was supposed to have been on this photo?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Team Wisconsin back in town

Team Wisconsin was back in town from 31th May to 7th June. Nick began this yearly tradition. Alison took over the years Nick had to skip out on. The group seems always to add new members. Nicole did her open water class with Kala. The otheres finished of the advanced course with Kirk. In the meanwhile Rino took the rest diving. We all had a great time together and the week went too fast. In the same week David, Jen and Gillian were here for diving and the relaxing "apres" dive hour.
Hope to see you all next year same time same place.
Photos will be uploaded soon.

Fun Dives June 1 to June 6

Date Dive Site Depth Time Description D.M.
1-Jun Temptation Reef 18m 47 Sponge Garden Rino

Blue Channel 12.5m 55 Swim throughs Rino

Sea Quest 11m 54 Sandy patch Rino

2-Jun El Aguila 33m 43 Wreck Rino

SeaQuest 12m 45 Sandy patch Kirk

3-Jun Dixies Place 21m 41 Wall Rino

Turtle Quest 14m 58 Gregorian Garden Rino

LightHouse Reef 12m 43 Night Kala

4-Jun Gibson Bight 25m 57 Wall Rino

Deep SeaQuest 18m 56 Sandy Patch Rino

Butchers Bank 19m 53 Sandy Patch Rino

5-Jun Spooky Channel 30m 53 Canyon Kirk

Bears Den 16.5m 57 Cavern Kirk

6-Jun Fish Den 18m 56 Wall Rino

Fun Dives May 25 to May 31

Date Dive Site Depth Time Description D.M.
25-May Dixie's Place 12m 47 Wall Kirk

26-May Lighthouse Reef 12m 45 Coral Garden Kirk

Bikini Bottom 12m 37 Coral Garden Kala

Moonlight reef 12m 40 Coral Garden Kala

27-May Octupus Acre 18m 47 Gregorian Garden Kirk

Blue Channel 15.8m 41 Swim Throughs Kala

Sea Quest 18m 47 Sandy patch Kala

28-May Dive Masters Choice 20m 47 Wall Kala

Turtle Crossing 12m 40 Sponge Garden Kala

29-May El Aguila 33m 41 Wreck Kirk

Blue Channel 13m 59 Swim Throughs Kirk

Moonlight Reef 18m 55 Coral Garden Kala

30-May Butchers Bank 18m 58 Sponge Garden Kirk

The Bite 16.5m 53 Coral Garden Kirk

31-May Punchers Paradise 13.5m 57 Gregorian Garden Kirk

Octopus Acre 18m 50 Gregorian Garden Kirk

Fun Dives May 18 to May 24

Date Dive Site Depth Time Description D.M.
18-May Texas 18m 58 Drift Kelsey

The Bite 8m 61 Coral Garden Kelsey

19-May Butchers Bank 30m 40 Gregorian Garden Kelsey

Deep SeaQuest 14m 44 Sandy Patch Kelsey

20-May El Aguila 32m 40 Wreck Kent

21-May El Aguila 32m 31 Wreck Kelsey

23-May Mandy's Eel Garden 18m 47 Eel Garden Robin

The Bite 18m 50 Coral Garden Kirk

24-May Moonlight Reef 18m 50 Coral Garden Kala

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Who will be arriving soon?

In a few weeks Fabio and Steve from Canada will be visiting again. Bringing a bunch of friends down for diving and fun in the sun. There should be a few bags of beef jerkey arriving as well.

Blackspotted nudibranch

Rino was back in the water last and doing what he is best at. Finding little creatures. Last week we had a nice group of divers. One of them, David took this picture of the Blackspotted nudibranch, which Rino found. There will be more pics and stories coming up after Jen and Davids and Team Wisconsins visit in town.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fun dives May 11 to May 17

Date Dive Site Depth Time Description D.M.
11-May Gibson Bight 20.2m 55 Wall Kent

Lighthouse Reef 18m 35 Coral Garden Kirk

12-May Dixie's Place 10m 48 Coral Garden KirK

Turtle Crossing 12m 40 Coral Garden Kent

13-May Hole in the Wall 37.1m 55 Caverns Kirk

Lighthouse Reef 12M 47 Coral Garden Kent

Moonlight Reef 19.8m 55 Coral Garden KirK

14-May Herbies Fantasy 25.7m 58 Sandy Patch KirK

Bikini Bottom 18m 47 Coral Garden Kent

Sea Quest 18m 51 Sandy Patch Kent

15-May Mandy's Eel Garden 28m 50 Eel Garden Kent

Deep SeaQuest 18m 48 Sand Patch Kelsey

16-May Moonlight 17m 40 Coral Garden Kirk

17-May Lighthouse Reef 15m 40 Coral Garden Kirk

Turtle Crossing 12m 47 Coral Garden Kirk

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fun dives May 4 to May 9

Date Dive Site Depth Time Description D.M.
4-May Turtle Crossing 12m 40 Coral Garden Kent

Lighthouse Reef 12m 46 Coral Garden Kent

5-May Butchers Bank 27.1m 57 Gregorian Garden Kirk

Sea Quest 14.2m 56 Sand Patch Willie

Dixie's Place 16.9m 53 Wall Willie

6-May Lighthouse Reef 12m 47 Coral Garden Kent

7-May Grape Escape 23m 42 Wreck Willie

Bikini Bottom 20.3m 51 Coral Garden Willie

8-May Gibson Bight 18m 48 Wall Kelsey

Mandys Eel Garden 18m 52 Eel Garden Kelsey

Blue Channel 15m 46 Swim throughs Kelsey

9-May Hole in the Wall 36m 50 Caverns Kelsey

Butchers Bank 18m 57 Gregorian Garden Kelsey

Friday, May 15, 2009

Kelsey is Canadian and certified her first Canadians tody. Congrats.

This is Kelsey with her students just got signed of. They are allowed to have a beer now.Kathryn and Bruce. They have already been travelling for a while. Kathryn came by one day and asked about the scubadiving. I think they are hooked. Good for them. It's different world down there.Hope Frederik is reading this post, and yes you not the only one thinking one beer for lunch is okay. Its not. But anyways congrats to Kathryn and Bruce, Mike and Christina. Unfortunately did not get a foto of them. But great people.

Marie Louis og Jacob

Her har vi saa Marie Louise og Jacob, som kom til roatan for at laere spansk, Og nu har de osse laert at dykke. Her er de med deres dykker instruktoer. Tillykke.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Turtlekid and the turtle

Brian Bielen is the Turtlekid. When he came here for the first time years ago to learn scubadiving, his biggest wish was to see a seaturtle. Year after year he comes back and is now the expert in spotting turtles. Photo is kindly given from Katja Hock.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Fun Dives April 27 - May 3

Date Dive Site Depth Time Description D.M.
27-Apr Mellisa's Reef 29m 51 Wall Kelsey

Half moon bay Wall 22m 52 Wall Kelsey

The Bite 16m 50 Coral Garden Kirk/Kent

28-Apr Gibson Bight 21m 54 Wall Kirk

Sea Quest 14m 43 Sandy patch Kirk

The Bite 19m 42 Coral Garden Kirk

29-Apr Hole in the Wall 38m 57 Caverns Willie

Turtle Crossing 18m 55 Sandy Patch Willie

Punchers Paradise 18m 45 Coral Garden

30-Apr Black Rock 28m 46 Wall Willie

Turtle Crossing 16m 63 Coral Garden Willie

Deep Sea Quest 18m 49 Sandy Patch Jolinne

1-May El Aguila 30m 46 Wreck Willie

Blue Channel 21m 53 Drift Willie

Dixie's Place 18m 50 Wall Kent

2-May Hole in the Wall 37m 59 Cavern Jolinne

Butchers bank 13m 64 Sponge Garden Jolinne

Grape Escape 13m 47 Wreck Jolinne

3-May Fish Den 19.6m 49 Coral garden Jolinne

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Team Colorado

Sadly, Team Colorado had to leave, well they came back, because the ferry to the mainland was overbooked. Good luck tomorrow morning. Well Summer and Rich made it out of here whether they wanted or not. Was a nice week At Tyll's Dive. All great people, good weather and good vibes. Wanted the whole diving crew on this group foto. But the timing went wrong. So NOT in this photo is Janie and John, Jakob and Marie-Louise, Jolinne (instructor), Willie (divemaster), Marcos (Boatcaptain), Molly and Lowfat the shopmonsters (who knows where they were, Uwe and Dorte (had to take the photos :-). The Coloradians IN the photo are: Rich, Summer, Mari, Chris, Molly, Jeff and Alison. Instructors are Kent and Kirk.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rosa from Holland

Rosa from Holland finished her advanced open water with Kirk last week. As a final top off her Roatan trip she went diving with the sharks at Cara a Cara. Rosa you need to come back for some more surface interval fun rummy games:-)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Fun Dives April 20 - 26

Date Dive Site Depth Time Description D.M.
20-Apr Overheat Reef 26m 55 Wall Rino

Punchers Paradise 23m 57 Coral Garden Rino

21-Apr Blue Channel 13m 60 Swim Throughs Kirk

22-Apr Punchers Paradise 27m 59 Coral Garden Kirk

23-Apr Spooky Chanel 28m 52 Canyon Kirk

Bears Den 20m 56 Cavern Kirk

The Bite 14m 57 Coral Garden Kirk

24-Apr El Aguila 33m 43 Wreck Kent

West End Wall 20m 52 Wall Kent

Bikini Bottom 12m 57 Coral Garden Kent

25-Apr Hole in the Wall 38m 51 Caverns Kelsey

Butchers Bank 20m 58 Sponge garden Kelsey


26-Apr Pillar Coral 26m 55 Wall Kelsey

Mandys Eel Garden 23m 50 Eel Garden Kelsey

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rino found a Warty Seaslug

Here is the photo proof of the Warty Seaslug.
Location: In the waters of Roatan. Photo kindly provided by Dory Smith.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fun Dives April 13 - April 18

Date Dive Site Depth Time Description D.M.
13-Apr Hole in the Wall 30m 48 Caverns Kirk

Mandy's eel Garden 18m 48 Eel Garden Kirk

14-Apr Green Out house 30m 51 Coral Garden Willie

Melissas Reef 20m 38 Wall Kent

Octopus Acre 18m 38 Gregorian Garden Kent

15-Apr El Aguila 33m 48 Wreck Willie

Lighthouse Reef 12m 35 Coral Garden

Shallow Sea Quest 12m 45 Sand Patch Willie

16-Apr Butchers Bank 22m 52 Sponge Garden Willie

Blue Channel 12m 55 Swim throughs Kirk

17-Apr Dixie's Place 33m 45 Wall Rino

Punchers Paradise 15m 53 Coral Garden Rino

18-Apr El Aguila 33m 43 Wreck Kirk

Fun Dives April 6 - April 12

Date Location Depth Time Description D.M.
6-Apr West end Wall 33m 56 Wall Rino

Punchers Paradise 18m 55 Coral Garden Rino

7-Apr Hole in the Wall 33m 47 Caverns Rino

Lighthouse Reef 18m 63 Coral Garden Rino

9-Apr Hole in the Wall 30m 48 Caverns Rino

Moonlight 12m 52 Coral Garden

Butchers Bank 19m 50 Sponge Garden Rino

10-Apr Dixies Place 18m 50 Wall Kirk

El Aquario 12m 47 Coral Garden Willie

11-Apr Fish Den 18m 45

Sea Quest 18m 55 Sand Patch Willie

12-Apr Canyon Reef 24m 54 Swim Throughs Willie

Lighthouse Reef 12m 45 Coral Garden

Fun dives April 1 - April 5

1-Apr Canyon reef 18m 48 Swim Throughs Rino Kirk

Blue Channel 16m 53 Swim Throughs Rino Kirk

2-Apr Spooky Channel 29m 42 Canyon Rino Kirk

Bears Den 18m 62 Cavern Rino Kirk

The Bite 12m 60 Coral Garden Rino

3-Apr Mandy's eel Garden 33m 47 Eel Garden Rino

Dive Masters Choice 12m 65 Wall Rino

5-Apr El Aguila 33m 43 Wreck Kirk

Deep Sea Quest 14m 51 Sand Patch Rino

Friday, April 17, 2009

Spawning barrelsponges

How cool is that. Photo provided by Dory Smith, Who is a member of the Tyll's family:-)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

one fine day in february

We just like this Photo, with the sky, the clouds, the colors and our precious boat.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Kent Ebanks first open water cert

Kent certified his first Padi Open Water diver today. Good job to both Kent(Roatan) and his student Dan (Canada). Kent did his IDC with Gary Miller (

Friday, April 10, 2009

Open Water certified today

Heather from Canada and Fredrik from Italy/Sweden/everywhere...just got certified this Easterfriday. Kirk was their instructor in is doing the paperwork for them in this moment. Come back and do some more diving. You were a splendid buddyteam.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mating octopi

Rino took his divers to Hole in the Wall this morning. Unfortunately Calvin was not coming along with his camera, so we have no photo proof. But they saw octopi mating. This is a very rare sight.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Save money, use netbanking.

This might mostly apply to our European guests. And so far we had very positive feed back on this. You can save credit/debit card fees by simply transfer your fundiving/divingcourse bills to our account in Denmark. For the scandinavians the bankfee is vey low, but for other Europeans the bankfee has proved to still be lower than paying your bill on Paypal, paying with cards here or taking money out of the ATMs.